Originally, the two arches were not meant to form an “M,” as they do today in the chain’s logo. However, as the building design became famous, the chain created a logo intended to be a minimalist view of a McDonald’s location, with a slanted roof and two arches lining up to form an M.
The now iconic logo had its start in 1952, when the McDonald’s brothers were interviewing architects to design the first McDonald’s location.
The first three architects were sceptical of the brother’s plan to construct a restaurant with two arches, shaped like semicircles, on each side.
后来,麦当劳兄弟找到了设计师斯坦利·克拉克·梅思顿(Stanley Clark Meston),他设计的麦当劳餐厅在周围的建筑中脱颖而出,吸引了饥肠辘辘的司机们的注意,他们会把车停在门口买个汉堡。他的设计就是两个金色的拱门,一边一个!
Then, they found Meston designed the McDonald’s location to stand out amongst the surrounding buildings, grabbing the attention of hungry drivers who could be convinced to pull over and buy a quick burger. Two golden arches, one on each side of the building, did just that.