There is no shortage of advice on how to learn English. And people love articles like this.
You know, stuff like ‘watch more TV and ‘be consistent’ and ‘label all the stuff in your house with the English words’. Kill me now.
I’m not going to give you an endless vague list on how to succeed with English.
Today I’m going to teach you the 3-critical success/study habits I’ve developed over the years that have allowed me to find success at school, in my business, and in every area of my life.
Success is hard. But it’s not complicated. And it starts with getting focused.
Success habit #1: Pick one goal
It’s popular to have goals. Just Google “goals” and you’ll find half a billion articles on the topic. How to pick them, how to set them, how to ….
That’s because it’s fun to write them all down, talk about them, and then think about how great our life is going to be once we accomplish them. ALL of them.
The problem is that most people set too many goals and end up accomplishing none.
But what if you picked just one goal?
A couple of years ago when I was studying Chinese, wondering what I wanted to do with my life, and feeling a bit overwhelmed, one of my friends asked me, “What’s your number one goal?”
That question made me nervous. I didn’t want to answer. I was afraid if I said my single most important goal, I’d be closing doors to all of my other goals. Which were many.
I said, “I want to be fluent in Chinese, but I also want to work from home and I want to do this and learn a million other languages and blah, blah, blah.” He cut me off and said, “Cut the BS. What’s your number one goal?”
Again, I hedged. But he pushed me and forced me to get crisp. He said, “The number one goal.”
I said, “I want to get so good at Chinese that Chinese people say my Chinese is better than theirs.”
We hate giving ourselves constraints because it feels limiting. It feels like we’re giving something up, and that’s exactly what it felt like in that moment.
However, it’s also freeing at the same time. Once I decided (declared out loud) that I wanted to get REALLY good at Chinese, it became crystal clear what I needed to do in order to achieve my goal. I focused ALL of my attention on those things. Once I mastered Chinese, then I could do a lot of the other things that I wanted to do.
If you want to become successful at learning English — or in any area of your life — you have to have that kind of focus.
Here’s a clip from a motivational video that talks about trying to get rich. The motivation you need to study and be successful at learning English is the same as the one you must have if you want to be rich.
How much more quickly could you achieve a top performer level of success if you had that same relentless focus?
Success habit #2: Work twice as hard, get 10x the results
There’s a difference between doing something that’s ‘just okay’ and something amazing.
A few years ago I was studying Japanese.
For SIX MONTHS, I studied haphazardly, taking about 1 hour a day to study. I still watched TV and wasted time on WeChat, went out drinking with friends, played video games, etc., but I still put in an hour a day studying Japanese.
Result: Really, really shitty Japanese where I couldn’t even hold a basic conversation.
Another time, for ONE MONTH, I spent 6 hours a day studying Cantonese, writing and reading essays, scheduling online classes with teachers (I wasn’t living in a Cantonese speaking part of China), filling multiple notebooks with example sentences, watching dozens of TV shows, etc.. Every day, I got up 2 hours earlier than I did the first month, didn’t waste time on WeChat, didn’t go out drinking with friends and didn’t play video games.
Result: Conversationally fluent Cantonese where I didn’t have to use English at all. Could ask what words meant in Cantonese and have high-level discussions about various topics.
I spent approximately the same amount of time studying both languages. But I got 10x the results.
THAT is a disproportionate impact.
Imagine being able to systematically focus on doing just 10 high-impact actions per year. Now compare your results to your friend, who does 100 different things. Who gets better results?
Disproportionate impact is not easy. Most people have an ordinary impact in the world. They work in ordinary jobs. They save ordinary amounts of money. They take an ordinary number of trips per year. When they go to work, they affect an ordinary number of people.
Most people are, by definition, ordinary.
It sounds like a depressing view of humanity, but I don’t look at it that way. Because most people are ordinary, you can be extraordinary by getting as much return as possible from the effort you put in. For example, by spending 10x as long on something (if you’re working on the right thing), you can get 100x the results.
Let me give you a couple of examples of disproportionate impact:
Learning English in a short amount of time: (Extraordinary at English)
What most people do: Wing it. They make a list of TV shows and movies in English and they want to watch and watch them. They maybe take some notes, but they never review their notes. They practice a few English sentences in their heads during their lunch break but they never make flash cards or schedule class with a real teacher. They think the fact that they’ve done SOME work should be enough.
What SUCCESSFUL English learners do: They study ‘study techniques’, the mistakes most people make when trying to learn English, and how to study more efficiently. They use apps to track their study habits and make sure they never forget vocabulary. Then they rehearse those words thousands of times in their head. They practice in front of a mirror, with their friends, and with strangers on the street. And they get 6 figure jobs being sent abroad because of their excellent English skills.
Getting in shape for a marathon:
What most people do: Say they’re going to start training by running 3 miles, 4 days a week. They accomplish their goal for the first week or two but soon life gets in the way. Then they run “whenever they get a chance.”
What SUCCESSFUL people do: Commit to running 5 minutes a day EVERY day for the first week. Then 10 minutes EVERY day the next week. And so on. Then they use their Pomodoro app to schedule one-mile run/activity breaks every 50 minutes during the workday. At the end of three months they’re running 60 minutes a day, in addition to the activity they’re doing during their work breaks, which could add up to an additional 6-8 miles a day. At that point, running has become such a habit that they can create whatever training plan they need to get to the finish line.
Sure, it’s easier to do just enough get by. To do what you’re used to doing. But if you seek out opportunities to create phenomenal returns, success will come easier than you think.
Combine that with relentless focus toward your primary goal, and success habit #3, and you’ll be unstoppable.
Success habit #3: Always have a ‘teacher’
A few years ago, I was studying Chinese.
Over the years, my Chinese has helped me:
Start my own business
Get on TV
Meet dozens of amazing people. Friends and business contacts who I would never have otherwise met.
Years ago, while I was still studying Chinese by myself, I heard about a Chinese study program called IUP at Tsinghua University. I applied, got accepted to do an interview, did the interview, and got into the program. 60k RMB for 16 weeks of classes.
And I would do it again for 10x the price.
But you don’t have to spend 60k RMB to get a teacher.
Teachers don’t always have to be people you meet face-to-face. You can get access to amazing teachers from online or even just within your friend circle.
With 2 hours of your time and 50 RMB, you can learn from some American’s lifetime of English ‘expertise’. I’ll take that ROI any day.
To take this idea to the next level, here’s how you utilize your teacher’s time most effectively.
It’s as simple as having crystal clear expectations for what you want your teacher to provide for you. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
Put in the work up front. As I said in success habit #2, put in 2x the work that leads to 10x the results. So don’t slack or half-ass your way through lessons or studying. Focus on becoming the best you can be and absorbing all the knowledge you can from your teacher. This means that you study hard OUTSIDE of class. Don’t only study English in class with your teacher. This is the biggest failure I see in English students and I see it in EVERYWHERE I go.
You want to optimize for learning. Make sure that the teacher knows this. (You also want them to know the PRIMARY goal you’re working toward.) Show up to class with a list of prepared questions. Words that you don’t understand, sentences with odd chunks of grammar, idioms that you’re not sure how to use. Do not just show up to class and expect the teacher to start teaching you EXACTLY what you want and need to know. Having specific questions makes things easier for the teacher and is a MUCH more effective use of your time.
NEVER ask a teacher a question Google can easily answer for you. Do your homework before you ask busy people for answers. If Google could provide the answer in 20 seconds, don’t waste your teacher’s time. You want them to help you solve complex and meaningful English problems that you can’t do with just your computer. This can include asking them for more colloquial (口语) example sentences, explaining how formal a word is, or pronunciation techniques for tricky words. Also, by looking these things up yourself, you’ll improve your own understanding of the words/grammar/spelling/whatever.
If you don’t think you’re having a valuable experience, you don’t have to keep the relationship going. Don’t just disappear and not return their calls and emails. But don’t waste their valuable time – or yours – either. Communicate your feelings and move on.
My teachers have helped me learn thousands of words over the years. But they’ve also taught me more about the PROCESS of language learning — and what it looks like — than I could have ever figured out on my own. I can’t put a price on that.
The road to fluency is simple
When I look back on my life, I can’t think of a single language learning success I’ve had that doesn’t somehow tie into one of the 3 success habits I’ve just shared with you.
And that has taught me a great lesson — don’t complicate things.
I talk to students, friends, and colleagues every day who used to be like me – hell bent on listing out everything they want and then scratching their heads when they don’t get it.
Achieving extraordinary success takes extraordinary focus and a willingness to let all your other wants take a backseat to your primary goal. It’s not easy at first. But once you realize that everything else is just distracting you from what you really want, you’ll become a master at getting it.
So, what's your goal? What do you want to achieve in the next month? 3 months? How are you going to get to it? 那你有什么目标呢?接下来一个月你想有什么样的成功?3个月呢?你打算怎么做到?留言跟我说一下。Thanks and see you again soon!
很多人经常问我有哪些软件、词典、卡片app可提高学习英文的效率。可能我自己比较old school,但是记笔记还是喜欢用纸和笔。因此我跟Danny老师设计出了一本英语学习手册,《生词之道》。只记对自己有用的信息,随时随地翻开就学!现在购买打6.8折,快来认识一下这本前所未有的学习手册!扫下面的二维码即可购买《生词之道》!